Tag archives: noise

In the Cave

We have a lot of amazing and exciting things in the works. New releases out very soon with bands like The Sedatives, The Night Game Cult, Army of Saint Joan, Self Surgery, Adam Saikaley, and Last Communion.

You may have also seen a few people wandering the streets wearing Bruised Tongue t-shirts around lately and we will have some for sale in the very near future.

We had a house party at Bruised Tongue HQ recently with our pals from Montreal Dead Wife came over, played with Army of Saint Joan (tape release very soon!), Cousins of Reggae, Michigan bangers Sick Llama and Cotton Museum and our very own Self Surgery.

Dave Forcier took some photos of the place totally packed, the rest of which can be seen here.

Cotton Museum

Cotton Museum

Paul Galipeau took some which can be viewed here.

We will try to keep you guys more in the loop!